A thorough review of banking, credit analysis, and legal principles that support the mortgage process, underscoring relationship sales skills in addition to the mechanics of the mortgage loan. The certificate is designed for aspiring mortgage lenders and those individuals new to the mortgage area of the bank, including mortgage loan clerks, loan processors, and closers.
Required Courses
The curriculum includes:
- Banking Basics Suite;(12 courses)
- Appraisal Procedures*
- Basics of Mortgage Processing*
- Determining Your Role in Fraud Prevention*
- Discovering FHA Programs*
- Effective Referrals Suite;(2 courses + 1 exercise)
- Essentials of Mortgage Lending*
- Ethical Issues for Bankers
- Explaining Loan Modifications*
- Mitigating Potential Fraud in Your Organization*
- Mortgage Customer Counseling and Prequalification
- Personal Tax Return Analysis
- Preparing the Closing Disclosure*
- Preparing the Loan Estimate*
- Processing and Underwriting Credit*
- Processing Income and Assets*
- Reviewing the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report*
The estimated time to complete these 30 courses and exercises is approximately 22 hours. Students have access to the curriculum for 1 year from date of purchase.
*These courses are offered through a partnership with; All Registrations, a leader in residential mortgage lending.