Student Policies and Procedures
The Center for Financial Training recognizes that it takes more than quality education and a commitment to the financial services professionals it serves to be successful in accomplishing our mission. We rely heavily on our solid reputation for honesty, fairness, and ethical conduct to attract our students, recruit quality instructors, and retain the high level of bank/institution support and respect that we have worked so hard to achieve. Our reputation ultimately rests on the good judgment and personal integrity of everyone – staff, volunteers, students, instructors, and all other individuals and organizations – involved with CFT.
Those associated with CFT in any capacity shall commit themselves to:
- Maintaining the highest standard of personal conduct, avoiding even the perception of improper conduct
- Striving for excellence in all aspects of CFT
- Using only legal and ethical means in all CFT activities, including conducting all financial transactions in a responsible manner
- Acting with impartiality in all CFT matters
- Maintaining the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to them by virtue of their association with CFT
- Refusing to engage in, or tolerate, activities for personal gain at the expense of CFT or the banking industry
- Communicating in a truthful and accurate manner
- Limiting paper files and recycling whenever possible to preserve the environment
Academic Integrity
CFT strongly supports the concept of academic integrity and seeks to foster sound moral behavior in its students and faculty. Academic dishonesty can take many forms, including cheating on examinations, plagiarism, helping others to commit dishonest acts, etc., and must never be tolerated. Students engaging in academic dishonesty are subject to serious consequences. Instructors who observe or suspect an incident of academic dishonesty shall bring it to the attention of an appropriate office official immediately, for prompt investigation, review, and action.
Student attendance and class participation play an important role in the education process. For this reason, the Center for Financial Training has adopted the following attendance policy. More than three absences in a 15 week course, one absence in a five week course, or any absence in a course of less than five weeks may result in the loss of course credits.
CFT Grading System
The Center for Financial Training uses an official letter grading system for courses eligible for awarding credit. Letter grades are awarded as follows:
A (90-100) Superior
B (80-89) Excellent
C (70-79) Satisfactory
D (60-69) Lowest Passing
F (< 60) Failing
I = Incomplete (“I” is recorded if the student is unable to complete the work in a course upon conclusion for legitimate reasons. If the work is not completed within one month of the conclusion of the course, the “I” automatically becomes an “F”.)
P = Passing (This grade is used for programs of less than two credits, for which the letter grading system is inappropriate. The “P” is excluded from calculation of the grade point average.)
T = Transfer Credit (This grade is recorded for transfer credit from accredited colleges and universities. Only courses completed with a grade of “C” or better may be considered for transfer credit. The “T” is excluded from a calculation of the grade point average.)
W = Withdrawal (Used when written notification is received prior to the conclusion of class. An “F” will be recorded by the CFT office if the student has not withdrawn in writing.)
Smoking Policy
There is absolutely no smoking allowed in financial institution buildings, school buildings, halls, classrooms or exits. Those who smoke will have to do so in designated areas outside of the building.
Nondiscriminatory Policy
The Center for Financial Training admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other school administered programs.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather, students attending classes held at schools or colleges should listen to their local radio station for closings. Students attending classes held at banks, etc. will be notified by their instructor if a class is cancelled due to inclement weather. If you are ever in doubt, please call your instructor or the CFT office at 305-237-3051.
Student Registration Procedures
Before students choose a course of study, a careful assessment of their talents and interests in light of current job responsibilities and long-range goals is in order. Students should review the course descriptions to be certain that their course selection is in fact what they are looking for. Students should also make sure that any prerequisites have been satisfied before enrolling in the course. Since all courses offered are of college level, students should expect homework assignments and should be prepared to take on this additional work load. Students are encouraged to check with their Bank/Institution Representative, Supervisor, Human Resource Officer or CFT staff for guidance in their course selection.
Students must complete a registration form for the course(s) they select. All registration forms must be signed by the student and when applicable, signed by the student’s supervisor or designated other. Your financial institution may also have additional forms for you to complete along with your CFT registration form.
A student who must withdraw from a CFT instructor-led online course must submit a written cancellation (unenrolling from the course in the online classroom does not constitute an official withdrawal) before the class end date. Students who withdraw 7 days from the registration date will be responsible for a withdrawal fee of $160.00 plus book cost. There will be no refund should a student withdraw 8 days after the registration date.
ABA CLASSES ONLY: Before the class starts, you may request a transfer to another session of the same class at no additional cost. After the class starts, you have two weeks from the class start date to transfer (allowed one time) to a different session for a $100 transfer fee.
Course Prerequisite Requirements
Before you can enroll in certain credit courses, the CFT office will need verification that you have met any prerequisite requirements. CFT staff will review your CFT transcript history on file before accepting a registration into any course with a prerequisite requirement. If your record does not demonstrate that you have met the requirement, you will be contacted to discuss your options. You must then demonstrate that you have satisfactorily completed the prerequisite course with an official college transcript showing that the course requirements have been met. An exception can be made for this requirement if you, through a letter from your supervisor or human resource representative, can demonstrate that work experience has enabled you to achieve these skills.