Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax


SKU: 10211 Category: Tag:


Explores planning aspects of the GST tax. Describes the transfer categories and how they are explained to clients and applied. Explains how allocations are used in GST tax exemptions and timely allocations and tax returns and the possible difficulties of making late allocations of filings. Explains the automatic allocation rules with respect to property transfers. Describes the concepts used in calculating the tax. Discusses differences between GST tax on taxable terminations, taxable distributions, and direct skips, and describes the treatment of effective date rules for trusts.


What You’ll Learn

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Define key terms related to GST
  • Describe planning aspects of GST
  • Identify the transfer categories, exceptions, and exclusions for GST
  • Explain the benefits of the generation-skipping transfer exemptions and allocations in estate planning
  • Recognize the concepts associated with calculating the GST tax, including special rules
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