This Economics course is ACE recommended for college credit transfer!
This macroeconomics course applies economics to phenomenon that students are familiar with and interested in. This course teaches students how economic analysis can be applied to virtually anything of interest, thus helping students develop true economic intuition. This economics course focuses on macroeconomics, and offers a unique blend of solid theory, while utilizing intriguing applications that convey the prevalence of economics in everyday life.
Textbook chapter topics include:
- Limits, Alternatives, and Choices
- The Market System and the Circular Flow
- Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
- Public Goods and Externalities
- GDP and Economics Growth
- Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation
- Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- Fiscal Policy, Deficits and Debt
- Money and Banking
- Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
- Long-Run Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
- International Trade and Exchange Rates